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Equal Opportunities Policy Happy Couple

Equal Opportunities

The company will not knowingly unlawfully discriminate and is committed to the equal treatment of all employees and applicants for employment. It requires all employees, irrespective of grade, to abide by and adhere to this general principle and the requirements of the Code of Practice issued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.


All aspects of employment are governed by merit, competence, suitability and qualifications. Appointments and promotions will be made on the basis of qualifications, and any or all of the following including attitude, skill, experience and aptitude required for a particular vacancy. No job applicant or employee will receive less favourable treatment than another based on gender, sexual orientation, marital status, union membership, race, colour, religion, religious belief, national/ethnic origin, age or disability.


Employees, who feel they have been unfairly discriminated against, should follow the grievance procedure to allow the company to investigate and rectify the situation.

Any information disclosed will be treated with sensitivity and in confidence.

Environmental Policy

Everybody at White Clarke Technologies recognises the benefits of developing the business in an environmentally responsible and friendly manner, taking into account changing environmental issues and the need for compliance with legal requirements.


The company is committed to the prevention of pollution and the protection of the environment and recognizes that this is in the best interests of the organization, it’s employees and stakeholders, and that it contributes to a better quality of life, now and for future generations.


The company opposes waste of natural resources and makes every effort to conserve resources. It places high value on encouraging its staff to operate in an environmentally friendly manner.

The group’s activities, even though within the professional services industry, have an environmental impact at local, national and global levels, so it acknowledges that even small contributions to the preservation of the environment are important to pursue. It endeavours to conduct all business activities and operations in line with best environmental practice and seeks continual improvement in all group activities.


The company will achieve its goals through:

  • Our aim to be efficient in our use of energy and natural resources and to reduce consumption within our offices, for instance in advising staff to switch off lights and appliances when not in use. In particular we have an ongoing program to phase out energy inefficient CPUs screens and printers and replace with energy-efficient versions

  • Our encouragement of our staff, wherever it is possible and practical, to plan their work around public transport, to share transport and to minimize use of energy-intensive forms of transport. We also have a policy to use video and telephone conferencing as an alternative to travel where this is feasible, to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and to use rail in preference to car or air travel, where this is practical

  • Our recycling of paper, cardboard, printer cartridges and drinks cans and generally minimizing waste

  • Our recognition of our responsibility to manage redundant and obsolete equipment properly, by disposing of such to third party organizations wherever possible

  • Our encouragement of the use of previously used paper within the internal operation


All staff must be aware of their responsibility to operate within the law and to apply principles of best environmental practice.

Environmental Concerns
Planting Trees

Social Responsibility Policy

White Clarke Technologies takes its social responsibility seriously and is committed to:

• Promoting equal opportunities – as detailed in our equal opportunities policy


• Protecting the environment – we re-cycle and minimize waste, as detailed in our environmental policy


• Promoting efficient working practices – our business consultants bring extensive sector knowledge and technical expertise to achieve business process and performance improvement, and efficiency programs are embedded in our own product processes


• Supporting charities, internationally and locally


• Offering work experience and internships to first-time job seekers – both locally at our head office, further afield in the UK, and globally


• Checking that our suppliers and clients work to ethical and fair processes – and that they adhere to employment and environmental legislation in the countries in which they operate

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